Timeless Living for Two Luxury Retirement Remodels: A Project Filled with Nest Studio Hardware

All photography by Nicole Wickens at Green Door Photography

 For the last year, the Nest Studio team has excitedly waited to see the final product of two recently remodeled retirement condos in Missoula, Montana. The reason being, they are filled with our hardware! 

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

 This project is a special one for us to share on our blog because it's a collaboration brought together by hardware enthusiasts. Our friend, Melina Datsopoulos, interior designer of Boutique Interiors and co-designer on this project, also owns a tile and hardware showroom called Trappings Studio, which happens to carry Nest Studio’s hardware. Her business partner, Logan Stark, is also an interior designer, specializing in millwork and cabinetry design. Stark, of course, believes that her cabinetry designs and the hardware that bejewels them go hand in hand, and we agree!

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

 This project is also special, because it defies age-old conventions of retirement and aging. The aesthetic of both condos, while starkly contrasting, are timeless, luxurious, and bold. Both designs encourage their inhabitants to live vividly, and reminds them that creativity, innovation, and a life less ordinary aren’t restricted to youth. 

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

 These two curated projects are entitled "Pied a Terre" and "Trousdale", and both convey a story. Pied a Terre tells the story of a sophisticated and feminine “Uptown Girl” who loves to host and sip champagne by candlelight. Her condo is adorned with both our sparkly Transparency collection, our versatile Facet collection, and our Classic collection, which was inspired by design icon Dorothy Draper.

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

 Trousdale tells a much different story about a mover and shaker, one that has esoteric tastes in art and music. With a more daring and funky vibe, this condo includes our edgy Facet collection and our handmade ceramic Glaze hardware.

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

nest studio hardware green door photography trappings studio boutique interiors

 We’re excited to share more in depth in blogs coming soon!

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